====== Directory Dir2Dat Guide ====== todo: document how to use RomVault for this, as that is a much better option **Warning: there currently is no supported dir2dat tool that properly distinguishes between empty files and folders. As a workaround, you should use store the output of `dir /s` (if you are using Windows) or `ls -R` (if you are using Linux) alongside the datfile.** If the "ROM" consists of of multiple directories, you will want to use the "dir2dat" function of [[https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/|clrmamepro]] with the following settings in the "Options" section. {{:submission:clrmamepro_dir2dat_directory_hashing.png?400}} In other words, make sure only the following boxes are checked in that section: * Scan Subfolders * Add MD5 * Add SHA1 * Add 0-File For Empty Folder * Set-Subfolder Mode * Keep Archives As Files * Keep CHDs As ROMs You can also press the Load button and load {{ :general:dir2dat-directory.d2d.zip |this}} dir2dat config file to achieve the same thing. Make sure to lay out the data as with the following example. {{:general:directory_dir2_dat_folder_structure.png?400|}} You can test this setup is working correctly by hashing the contents of {{ :test_dir_structure.zip |this zip}} and comparing the datfile that clrmamepro creates with {{ :test_dir_structure.dat.zip |this pre-made datfile}} . Currently there is no solid solution for "directory hashing" that supports SHA256, so you can leave that hash type out. There will also be a top-level entry called "Default" with a single empty folder, which should be deleted, or noted as to be ignored.