Table of Contents

Virtual Boy (WIP)

Check the dumping hardware overview for a list of known preservation hardware.

[copied from Google Doc - needs polishing]

If you need help, please come chat with us on the VGPC or No-Intro discord servers.


Important Notes


Virtual Boy Cart Programmer by RetroOnyx

Required materials

Notes before starting

Section 1: Safely plugging in the device

Before you plug in the USB cable for power, plug in the Virtual Boy cartridge and MicroSD card to avoid potentially damaging any of the hardware if power was sent down a wrong pin on a connector.

This safe plugging and unplugging practice is strongly recommended even when dumping multiple cartridges in one sitting.

vb_guide_01_microsd_location_on_design_1.jpg Obtained from

The MicroSD slot is located on the back of the dumper of the basic design, or on the side opposite to the USB-B port on the VB-based design. In the basic design, the MicroSD card faces outwards.

vb_guide_03_cartridge_insert_on_design_1.jpg Obtained from vb_guide_05_cartridge_pins_on_design_1.jpg

The cartridge slot is located on the front of the dumper of the basic design, or on the bottom for the VB-based design. Note that, at least for the basic design, the cartridge slot is “keyed” so the cartridge can’t possibly fit facing the wrong direction. In the basic design, the cartridge faces inward (while looking at the display, you see the back of the cartridge). In the VB-based design, the cartridge faces up.

Make sure that the cartridge is firmly inserted so the pins all have solid connections.

Additionally, the cartridge slot has a gentle spring-loaded mechanism to protect the pins from being bent when no cartridge is inserted. This may additionally help fight against dust, but extra care for dust-protection should be taken by the user for long-term storage.

vb_guide_06_usb_port_on_design_1.jpg Obtained from

The USB-B port is located on the left side of the basic design, and on the side opposite to the MicroSD slot on the VB-based design.

Remember that the device receives power as soon as it is plugged into the PC.

After the Programmer is plugged in, and the USB-A side of the cable is plugged into the PC, it’s time for Section 2.

Section 2: Dumping the ROM

After the device is plugged in, launch the RealTerm software.


|**Command**|**Size (Bytes)**|**MB**|**Mbit**| **bits**|**Notes**
|   <SFS_22>|          524288|   0.5|       4|  4194304|Smallest retail cart
|   <SFS_23>|         1048576|     1|       8|  8388608|
|   <SFS_24>|         2097152|     2|      16| 16777216|Largest retail cart
|   <SFS_25>|         4194304|     4|      32| 33554432|Hyper Fighting (Aftermarket)
|   <SFS_26>|         8388608|     8|      64| 67108864|
|   <SFS_27>|        16777216|    16|     128|134217728|
|   <SFS_28>|        33554432|    32|     256|268435456|Largest flash cart

(Editor's note 1: I have unfortunately not tested all of these commands to ensure they work. -CS) (Editor's note 2: We could use another image right here, showing the <SFS_XX> command.)

After the correct ROM size is set, the device is ready to dump the ROM.


(Editor's note: This is the part that the alternative GUI program by thunderstruck gets stuck on. I don’t know/remember the solution at the moment. -CS)

vb_guide_25_lcd_reading_in_progress.jpg vb_guide_26_lcd_read_to_sd_complete.jpg

When dumping more than one cartridge…

Gathering and Submitting Dump Info

Once you've dumped your games, it's time to generate and submit metadata to a preservation project for validating and cataloging. See the dump submission instructions for more information.