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discs:sega [2022/05/17 02:28] hiccupdiscs:sega [2023/03/11 22:37] (current) cartridge_hermit
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 ====== Sega Systems ====== ====== Sega Systems ======
 {{wst>vgpc_help}} {{wst>vgpc_help}}
-For Sega CD Sega Saturn systems you can use the [[discs:general|general disc dumping guide]], but for the systems below you need to utilize a different method.+Sega CD and Sega Saturn games can be ripped with the methods in the [[discs:general|general disc dumping guide]].
-The Redump.org team has done a fantastic job at documenting how to properly dump and gather information about Sega Dreamcast / Chihiro / Naomi / Naomi 2 / Triforce systems:+The Redump.org team has done a fantastic job documenting dumping GD-ROMs for the Sega Dreamcast and other systems:
-  * [[http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title=GD-Rom_Dumping_Guide|Sega Dreamcast / Chihiro / Naomi / Naomi 2  / Triforce]]+  * [[http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title=GD-Rom_Dumping_Guide|Sega Dreamcast / Chihiro / Naomi / Naomi 2  / Triforce dumping guide]]
  • discs/sega.1652747297.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/17 02:28
  • by hiccup