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template:carts_important_notes [2022/06/20 14:41] hiccuptemplate:carts_important_notes [2023/04/11 01:23] (current) hiccup
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 **Important Notes** **Important Notes**
-  * If you have an unused/sealed game, you should dump ROM and save data from the physical media before using it, and note in your submission if the physical media was new or sealed when you got it. This is to avoid inadvertent modification of the data and to help preserve the data in its unused/factory” state. Its also good idea to photograph the cart/packaging in its sealed state, in order to help with verifying it+  * Unopened games should have their ROM and save data dumped **before** attempting to play them. This avoids inadvertent modification of the data and helps preserve the game in its unused/"factorystate. Note in your submission whether the physical media was sealed and include photo of the cart/packaging in its sealed state, if possible
-  * If the dump is new (hashes don't match anything in the relevant ROM database), then you should clean the contacts (or equivalent) on the physical media and redump it to see if you still get the same hash as before.+  * You should clean the physical media's electrical contacts before trying to dump it, and dump it twice, checking if both dumps match using a file comparison tool or calculating the SHA256 of each file and comparing those values.
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  • template/carts_important_notes.1655728900.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/06/20 14:41
  • by hiccup