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Sega Mega Drive / Genesis

Check the dumping hardware overview for a list of known preservation hardware.

There are numerous dumping tools available for the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis, several for sale and many, many more open source electronics projects.

This is a super simple system that works really well, and is affordable and readily available. See our hardware page for shop links.

  1. Plug your game into the Retrode2.
  2. Make sure the voltage setting is at 5V.
  3. Connect the Retrode2 to your computer.
  4. The Retrode2 should now show up as a regular USB drive, and you can copy the ROM from there for further analysis.

The Sanni Cart Reader comes with Mega Drive / Genesis dumping capabilities by default. Follow the Sanni Cart Reader wiki for proper settings, and dumping instructions.

See instructions here for NES / Famicom dumping using the RetroFreak, the same setup applies to dumping Sega Mega Drive / Genesis.

  • carts/sega/mega-drive-genesis.1652191186.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/10 13:59
  • by hiccup