
This is an old revision of the document!

Once you've dumped your games, it's time to submit the metadata to a preservation project for validating and cataloging. No-Intro focuses on game cartridges while Redump focuses on disc-based media.

If you are new to dumping and want to start sending in your dump information to places such as No-Intro, the below information is the minimum that's required. Please try to fill this out before submitting, if possible, to make sure you don't have to go back and forth with the staff who will verify your information.

Detailed dump info

If you can provide more information that what is listed below, please see detailed submission info for more on what can be captured before submitting a dump. The more details the better!

Copy and paste the following in a text document, and fill it out to the best of your abilities. If you need help, please come chat with us on the VGPC Discord.

Game name:

Dump tool: 
Dumper (person who dumped the ROM): 
Affiliation (if applicable): 
Dump creation date (YYYY-MM-DD):
Link(s) to release (if applicable):

Size in bytes: 

--Physical media-- 

Dump logs: 

Dump tool should include hardware, firmware and software version.

Photos should be of all sides of packaging, physical media and the PCB (although no need for PCB for DS/3DS), with all text clearly readable, including any indented/stamped text and any serials on ROM chips hidden under batteries (you may need to take a separate photo(s) at an angle to capture those two). PCB photos are an important, but often overlooked aspect of preservation. Along with providing some evidence that the game is genuine, they also help with verifying version numbers, manufacturing dates and documenting component usage across games.

Please note if you have modified the physical media in any way.

Dump logs: any text/metadata file outputted by the dump tool or any ROM checking tools you've used

If the game is made up of a folder with subfolders, then follow this guide for getting the hashes:


Game name: Super Mario 1024
System: Nintendo 4DS

Dump tool: Sanni's Cart Reader v3 with firmware v8.0
Dumper: Nickname1234
Affiliation (if applicable):
Dump creation date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2022-04-05
Dump release date (YYYY-MM-DD) (if applicable):
Link(s) to release (if applicable):

Size in bytes: 40960
CRC32: 6ccc74cd
MD5: 5cb884a924c5557477d0e91a0b9e2e5d
SHA-1: df612f60bf925435d64535569ae8b39aacbc456d
SHA-256: 5cecc3ef2e2791c4e19af34eb86065993a237d3599922e7f953cd97e3ff9d00b

--Physical media-- 

Dump logs:

To submit your dump to No-Intro, please see their wiki for more information.

  • submission/general.1664402124.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/09/28 23:55
  • by hiccup