Gathering and Submitting Dump Info for PlayStation Vita carts
Common dump info structure
Dumping tool and version: Dumper: Affiliation: Dump creation date: Dump Filename: Link(s): Title: Alternate title: Region: Edition: Languages: Language Select: WikiData ID: ROM Region: ROM Revision: ROM Serial: Size: CRC32: MD5: SHA-1: SHA-256: Physical Media Serial 1: Physical Media Serial 2: Box Serial 1: Box Serial 2: Box Serial 3: Box Barcode: Links to Cart Images: PCB Images: Box Images:
Detailed information
General Note: If you are submitting this info to a person/group in order for them to add it to a database, you can skip the transcription of some things, and leave it to them. But it can make the process smoother if you do the transcription yourself.
Hashes Note: For NoNpDrm, as the “ROM” consists of a folder multiple sub-folders and files, see the following guide.
- Link(s): Link to release post/page, if applicable.
- Languages/Language Select: Some games either show a language selection screen at startup or in the game options. Note that it is possible to submit a game without checking the languages, but this then needs to be stated in your submission.
- Cart Images: Back and front.
- Box Barcode: Keep the spaces. It could be verified against the barcode itself by using barcode scanning software and using the check digit.
- Size: The size of the ROM in bytes.
- MD5: As above, or by using md5 in a terminal emulator for linux/mac.
- SHA-1: As above, or by using shasum -a 1 in a terminal emulator for linux/mac.
- SHA-256: As above, or by using shasum -a 256 in a terminal emulator for linux/mac.