
This is an old revision of the document!

Dumping tool and version: 
Dump creation date: 
Dump Filename:

Alternate title: 
Language Select: 
WikiData ID:

ROM Region:
ROM Revision:
ROM Serial:


Physical Media Serial 1: 
Physical Media Serial 2:
Box Serial 1: 
Box Serial 2: 
Box Serial 3: 
Box Barcode: 

Links to
Cart Images: 
PCB Images: 
Box Images: 

General Note: If you are submitting this info to a person/group in order for them to add it to a database, you can skip the transcription of some things, and leave it to them. But it can make the process smoother if you do the transcription yourself.

Hashes Note: For NoNpDrm, as the “ROM” consists of a folder multiple sub-folders and files, you will want to use the “dir2dat” function of clrmarepro with these settings. Currently there is no solid solution for “directory hashing” that supports SHA256, so you can leave that out.

  • Link(s): Link to release post/page, if applicable.
  • Languages/Language Select: Some games either show a language selection screen at startup or in the game options. Note that it is possible to submit a game without checking the languages, but this then needs to be stated in your submission.
  • Cart Images: Back and front.
  • Box Barcode: Keep the spaces. It could be verified against the barcode itself by using barcode scanning software and using the check digit.
  • Size: The size of the ROM in bytes.
  • CRC32: Generated from the ROM file using HxD or HashTab on windows, or by using crc32 in a terminal emulator for linux/mac.
  • MD5: As above, or by using md5 in a terminal emulator for linux/mac.
  • SHA-1: As above, or by using shasum -a 1 in a terminal emulator for linux/mac.
  • SHA-256: As above, or by using shasum -a 256 in a terminal emulator for linux/mac.
  • submission/vita-carts.1639083882.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/12/09 22:04
  • by hiccup